Contractors Plant & Machinery

Contractors Plant & Machinery

To indemnify the insured in respect of items (or any part thereof) entered in the schedule whilst at the location or in the geographical area mentioned herein, suffer any unforeseen and sudden physical loss or damage from any cause not specifically excluded in a manner necessitating repair or replacement. Extended to cover Third Party Liability in respect of accidental bodily injury to or illness of third parties (whether fatal or not) and accidental loss of or damage to property belonging to third parties occurring in direct connection with the construction or erection of the items in. Subject to terms and conditions in the policy document.



  • Plot 1219, Namuli road, Bukoto,Kampala.
  • 0716400786 / 0752786015 / 0751786015

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

0716400786 / 0752786015 / 0751786015